
2016年度的纽约国际橄榄油大赛,ALTO特级初榨橄榄油,连续两年,成了这个让人亲睐的国际橄榄油品尝大会的聚焦。 这个全球最具指标性的重心赛事,吸引了来自全球26国的820只参赛品前来一较高低。备受欢迎的ALTO Olives Robust和采用单一土生品种HARDY’S MAMMOTH制成的ALTO Olives Vividus各获颁一名金牌和银牌。 ALTO Olives业主Robert Armstrong先生说:“澳大利亚的特级初榨橄榄油继续不断的在这个世界舞台上加强其影响力。在纽约,我们再接再厉获得的金牌奖;就是ALTO这个家族企业投资在庄园及其最先进的生产管理的最佳印证”。 ...

来自东京的重大信息……初次参加‘2016年度橄榄日本大赛’的ALTO再一次报捷,两只ALTO产品出现在特级初榨橄榄油的得奖名单里头。 Robert Armstrong 先生:“对ALTO而言,日本是一个全新的市场,同时,这也是我们第一回参加橄榄日本大赛。ALTO的两只主要油品获得了金牌奖。这无疑的再一次的肯定了ALTO油品的鲜度,品质的稳定,平衡和一致性“ “被誉为澳大利亚最优秀的特级初榨橄榄油品牌之际;也是把ALTO产品组合引进这个新市场的最佳时机了“ 2016年度橄榄日本大赛吸引力来自21个国家的600个参赛者,并由一队国际的橄榄业专家担任评审团。 ...

Big news from Tokyo…. ALTO Olives inaugural entry at OLIVE JAPAN 2016 has seen two ALTO Extra Virgin Oils listed at the top of the medal table. Both ALTO Vividus and ALTO Robust have been awarded coveted Gold Medals. ‘Japan is a new market for ALTO...

For the second year running ALTO Olives Extra Virgin Oils have been in the spotlight at the world’s most coveted olive oil tasting, the 2016 New York International Olive Oil Competition. This pivotal global industry award attracted 820 entries from 26 countries and sets high benchmarks. ...

The 2015 Royal Melbourne Fine Food Awards delivered ALTO Olives the best ever results in an Australian Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition. Two Champion Trophies were awarded to ALTO Vividus –Champion Single Estate Grown Oil and to ALTO Pro –Champion Commercial Oil, the latter a tailored...

It’s been a good year for ALTO Olives on the world stage. The 2015 Los Angeles International Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition results have just been announced – and ALTO Olives has scored two SILVER MEDALS – for the new seasonALTO Vividus and ALTO Robust. The Los Angeles competition is considered the top-ranking EVOO...

The 2015 New York International Olive Oil Competition, the world’s largest and most prestigious olive oil competition has awarded not just one but two highly prized and internationally acclaimed  ‘Best in Class’ Trophies to ALTO Olives. The coveted dual Trophies and Gold Medals were won respectively...

Spring heralds the Australian olive industry awards season that celebrates the best of the new harvest 2014 Extra Virgin releases. And it’s already a good year for ALTO Olives… ALTO Vividus has been chosen Champion Varietal Extra Virgin Olive Oil at the 2014 Sydney Royal Spring...

You don’t have to be a film star or tread Hollywood red carpet to attract attention in Los Angeles. Entering the Los Angeles International EVOO Competition can deliver similar results if the judges of this global contest deem your Extra Virgin worthy. The quality of Australia’s...